Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
Notice of Data Event
February 7, 2025
Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada (“Catholic Charities”) is providing notice of an event that may affect the privacy of certain individuals’ information. Catholic Charities takes this incident very seriously and is providing information about the incident, our response to it, and resources available to individuals to help protect their information, should they feel it appropriate to do so.
What Happened?
On June 22, 2024, Catholic Charities detected suspicious activity in its network environment. Upon discovery of this incident, Catholic Charities promptly took steps to secure its network and engaged a specialized cybersecurity firm to investigate the nature and scope of the incident. As a result of the investigation, Catholic Charities learned that an unauthorized actor potentially accessed and acquired certain files and data stored within its network.
Upon learning this, Catholic Charities launched a detailed review of the potentially affected data to identify the individuals and information involved. On January 27, 2025, Catholic Charities identified persons whose information was included within the impacted data. At this time, we have no evidence any of the information has been misused by a third party.
What Information Was Involved?
While Catholic Charities has no evidence that any information has been misused, Catholic Charities is notifying impacted individuals and providing information and resources to help protect individuals’ personal information. The following types of information may have been impacted: name, Social Security number, Driver’s License, health information, immigration identification number, and financial account number. The type of information at issue varies for each person.
What We Are Doing.
Catholic Charities takes this event and the security of personal information in its care very seriously. Upon learning of this event, Catholic Charities moved quickly to investigate and respond to the event and notify potentially affected individuals. As part of its ongoing commitment to the security of information, Catholic Charities is reviewing and enhancing its existing policies and procedures related to data privacy to reduce the likelihood of a similar future event. Catholic Charities is notifying impacted individuals for whom Catholic Charities has a valid mailing address via U.S. mail and offering them credit monitoring and identity protection services. Catholic Charities is also notifying applicable regulators.
How Will Individuals Know If They Are Affected By This Incident?
Catholic Charities is mailing a notice letter to individuals whose information was determined to be in the affected files, for whom a valid mailing address is available. If an individual does not receive a letter but would like to know if they are affected, they may call Catholic Charities’ dedicated assistance line, detailed below.
If you received a letter notice but did not receive complimentary credit monitoring and would like to sign up for complimentary credit monitoring out of precaution, please call the dedicated assistance line, as detailed below, and request credit monitoring.
Whom Should Individuals Contact For More Information?
If individuals have questions or would like additional information, they may call Catholic Charities’ dedicated assistance line at 1-833-799-4040 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. This excludes all major U.S. holidays.
What You Can Do.
We encourage individuals to remain vigilant against incidents of identity theft and fraud by reviewing your account statements, explanation of benefits forms, and monitoring your free credit reports for suspicious activity and to detect errors. Under U.S. law individuals are entitled to one free credit report annually from each of the three major credit reporting bureaus. To order a free credit report, visit or call, toll-free, 1-877-322-8228. Individuals may also contact the three major credit bureaus directly to request a free copy of their credit report, place a fraud alert, or a security freeze. Contact information for the credit bureaus is below:
Consumers have the right to place an initial or extended “fraud alert” on a credit file at no cost. An initial fraud alert is a 1-year alert that is placed on a consumer’s credit file. Upon seeing a fraud alert display on a consumer’s credit file, a business is required to take steps to verify the consumer’s identity before extending new credit. If you are a victim of identity theft, you are entitled to an extended fraud alert, which is a fraud alert lasting seven years. Should you wish to place a fraud alert, please contact any one of the three major credit reporting bureaus listed below.
As an alternative to a fraud alert, consumers have the right to place a “credit freeze” on a credit report, which will prohibit a credit bureau from releasing information in the credit report without the consumer’s express authorization. The credit freeze is designed to prevent credit, loans, and services from being approved in your name without your consent. However, you should be aware that using a credit freeze to take control over who gets access to the personal and financial information in your credit report may delay, interfere with, or prohibit the timely approval of any subsequent request or application you make regarding a new loan, credit, mortgage, or any other account involving the extension of credit. Pursuant to federal law, you cannot be charged to place or lift a credit freeze on your credit report. To request a security freeze, you may need to provide the following information, depending on whether the request is made online, by phone, or by mail:
- Full name (including middle initial as well as Jr., Sr., II, III, etc.);
- Social Security number;
- Date of birth;
- Addresses for the prior two to five years;
- Proof of current address, such as a current utility bill or telephone bill;
- A legible photocopy of a government-issued identification card (state driver’s license or ID card, etc.); and
- A copy of either the police report, investigative report, or complaint to a law enforcement agency concerning identity theft if you are a victim of identity theft.
Should you wish to place a fraud alert or a credit freeze, please contact the three major credit reporting bureaus listed below:

Additional Information
You may further educate yourself regarding identity theft, fraud alerts, credit freezes, and the steps you can take to protect your personal information by contacting the consumer reporting bureaus, the Federal Trade Commission, or your state Attorney General. The Federal Trade Commission may be reached at: 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580;; 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338); and TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The Federal Trade Commission also encourages those who discover that their information has been misused to file a complaint with them. You can obtain further information on how to file such a complaint by way of the contact information listed above. You have the right to file a police report if you ever experience identity theft or fraud. Please note that in order to file a report with law enforcement for identity theft, you will likely need to provide some proof that you have been a victim. Instances of known or suspected identity theft should also be reported to law enforcement and your state Attorney General. This notice has not been delayed by law enforcement.
For District of Columbia residents, the District of Columbia Attorney General may be contacted at: 400 6th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001; 1-202-727-3400; and
For Maryland residents, the Maryland Attorney General may be contacted at: 200 St. Paul Place, 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202; 1-410-528-8662 or 1-888-743-0023; and
For New Mexico residents, you have rights pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, such as the right to be told if information in your credit file has been used against you, the right to know what is in your credit file, the right to ask for your credit score, and the right to dispute incomplete or inaccurate information. Further, pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the consumer reporting bureaus must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information; consumer reporting agencies may not report outdated negative information; access to your file is limited; you must give your consent for credit reports to be provided to employers; you may limit “prescreened” offers of credit and insurance you get based on information in your credit report; and you may seek damages from violator. You may have additional rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act not summarized here. Identity theft victims and active-duty military personnel have specific additional rights pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. DRSI encourages you to review your rights pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act by visiting, or by writing Consumer Response Center, Room 130-A, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.
For New York residents, the New York Attorney General may be contacted at: Office of the Attorney General, The Capitol, Albany, NY 12224-0341; 1-800-771-7755; or
For North Carolina residents, the North Carolina Attorney General may be contacted at: 9001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-9001; 1-877-566-7226 or 1-919-716-6000; and
For Rhode Island residents, the Rhode Island Attorney General may be reached at: 150 South Main Street, Providence, RI 02903; 1-401-274-4400; and Under Rhode Island law, you have the right to obtain any police report filed in regard to this incident.
For More Information. If individuals have questions or would like additional information, they may call Catholic Charities’ dedicated assistance line at 1-833-799-4040 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. This excludes all major U.S. holidays.
7 de Febrero de 2025 – Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada ("Catholic Charities") estáproporcionando un aviso sobre un evento que puede afectar la privacidad de lainformación de ciertas personas. Catholic Charities toma este incidente muy enserio y está proporcionando información sobre el incidente, nuestra respuesta ylos recursos disponibles para ayudar a proteger la información de las personas,en caso de que consideren apropiado hacerlo.
¿Qué Sucedió?
El22 de junio de 2024, Catholic Charities detectó actividad sospechosa en su red.Tras descubrir este incidente, Catholic Charities tomó medidas inmediatas paraasegurar su red y contrató a una firma especializada en seguridad ciberneticapara investigar la naturaleza y el alcance del incidente. Como resultado de lainvestigación, Catholic Charities descubrió que un actor no autorizado pudohaber accedido y adquirido ciertos archivos y datos almacenados en su red.
Trasconocer esta situación, Catholic Charities inició una revisión detallada de losdatos potencialmente afectados para identificar a las personas y la informacióninvolucrada. El 27 de enero de 2025, Catholic Charities identificó a laspersonas cuya información se encontraba dentro de los datos afectados. En estemomento, no tenemos evidencia de que la información haya sido utilizadaindebidamente por un tercero.
¿Qué Información Se Vio Afectada?
Sibien Catholic Charities no tiene evidencia de que la información haya sidoutilizada indebidamente, está notificando a las personas afectadas yproporcionando información y recursos para ayudar a proteger su informaciónpersonal. Los siguientes tipos de información pueden haber sido afectados:nombre, número de Seguro Social, licencia de conducir, información de salud,número de identificación de inmigración y número de cuenta financiera. El tipode información comprometida varía para cada persona.
Qué Estamos Haciendo
CatholicCharities toma este evento y la seguridad de la información personal bajo sucustodia muy en serio. Tras conocer este evento, Catholic Charities actuórápidamente para investigar y responder al incidente y notificar a las personaspotencialmente afectadas. Como parte de su compromiso continuo con la seguridadde la información, Catholic Charities está revisando y mejorando sus políticasy procedimientos existentes en relación con la privacidad de datos para reducirla probabilidad de un evento similar en el futuro. Catholic Charities estánotificando a las personas afectadas para las que tiene una dirección postalválida a través de correo postal de EE.UU. y ofreciéndoles servicios demonitoreo de crédito y protección de identidad. Catholic Charities también estánotificando a los organismos reguladores correspondientes.
¿Cómo Sabrán las Personas Si Han Sido Afectadas por EsteIncidente?
CatholicCharities está enviando una carta de notificación a las personas cuyainformación se determinó que estaba en los archivos afectados y para quieneshay disponible una dirección postal válida. Si una persona no recibe una cartapero desea saber si ha sido afectada, puede llamar a la línea de asistenciadedicada de Catholic Charities, detallada a continuación.
Sirecibió una carta de notificación pero no recibió monitoreo de crédito gratuitoy desea inscribirse en este servicio por precaución, por favor llame a la líneade asistencia dedicada, como se detalla a continuación, y solicite el monitoreode crédito.
¿A Quién Deben Contactar las Personas para Obtener MásInformación?
Silas personas tienen preguntas o desean obtener información adicional, puedenllamar a la línea de asistencia dedicada de Catholic Charities al 1-833-799-4040, entre las 8:00 a.m. y 8:00 p.m., hora del Este, de lunes a viernes. Estoexcluye todos los días festivos importantes en EE.UU.
Qué Puede Hacer
Recomendamosa las personas que permanezcan alerta ante posibles incidentes de robo deidentidad y fraude revisando sus estados de cuenta, formularios de explicaciónde beneficios y monitoreando sus informes de crédito gratuitos en busca deactividades sospechosas o errores. Según la ley de EE.UU., las personas tienenderecho a recibir un informe de crédito gratuito cada año de cada una de lastres principales agencias de informes de crédito. Para solicitar un informe decrédito gratuito, visite o llame sin cargo al 1-877-322-8228.
Laspersonas también pueden contactar directamente a las tres principales agenciasde informes de crédito para solicitar una copia gratuita de su informe decrédito, colocar una alerta de fraude o una congelación de seguridad.
Información de Contacto de lasAgencias de Crédito
Equifax Fraud Alert, P.O. Box 105069 Atlanta, GA 30348-5069
Equifax Credit Freeze, P.O. Box 105788 Atlanta, GA 30348-5788
Experian Fraud Alert, P.O. Box 9554, Allen, TX 75013
Experian Credit Freeze, P.O. Box 9554, Allen, TX 75013
TransUnion Fraud Alert, P.O. Box 2000, Chester, PA 19016
TransUnion Credit Freeze, P.O. Box 160, Woodlyn, PA 19094
Información Adicional
Puedeobtener más información sobre el robo de identidad, las alertas de fraude, lascongelaciones de crédito y los pasos que puede tomar para proteger suinformación personal comunicándose con las agencias de informes de crédito, laComisión Federal de Comercio o el Fiscal General de su estado.
LaComisión Federal de Comercio puede ser contactada en:
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580
1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338)
TTY: 1-866-653-4261
LaComisión Federal de Comercio también recomienda a quienes descubran que suinformación ha sido utilizada indebidamente que presenten una denuncia. Puedeobtener más información sobre cómo presentar una denuncia utilizando lainformación de contacto mencionada anteriormente.
Tienederecho a presentar un informe policial si alguna vez es víctima de robo deidentidad o fraude. Tenga en cuenta que, para presentar un informe ante lasautoridades sobre un robo de identidad, es probable que deba proporcionarpruebas de que ha sido víctima. Los casos de robo de identidad, ya seanconocidos o sospechosos, también deben ser reportados a las autoridades y alFiscal General de su estado.
Esteaviso no ha sido retrasado por las fuerzas del orden.
Para residentes del Distrito de Columbia: El Fiscal General del Distrito deColumbia puede ser contactado en:400 6th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001;1-202-727-3400;
Para residentes de Maryland:El Fiscal General de Maryland puedeser contactado en:200 St. Paul Place, 16th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202;1-410-528-8662 o 1-888-743-0023
Para residentes de Nuevo México;Tiene derechos conforme a la Ley deInformes de Crédito Justos (Fair Credit Reporting Act), como el derecho a serinformado si la información en su archivo de crédito ha sido utilizada en sucontra, el derecho a conocer qué información contiene su archivo de crédito, elderecho a solicitar su puntaje de crédito y el derecho a disputar informaciónincompleta o inexacta.
Además,según la Ley de Informes de Crédito Justos, las agencias de informes de créditodeben corregir o eliminar información inexacta, incompleta o no verificable; nopueden informar información negativa obsoleta; el acceso a su archivo eslimitado; debe dar su consentimiento para que los informes de crédito seanproporcionados a empleadores; puede limitar las ofertas"preseleccionadas" de crédito y seguros basadas en la información desu informe de crédito; y puede buscar compensación por daños causados porinfractores.
Puedetener derechos adicionales bajo esta ley que no se resumen aquí. Las víctimasde robo de identidad y el personal militar en servicio activo tienen derechosadicionales específicos conforme a la Ley de Informes de Crédito Justos. Serecomienda revisar sus derechos visitando:
Tambiénpuede escribir a: Consumer Response Center, Room 130-A, Federal TradeCommission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580
Para residentes de Nueva York: El Fiscal General de Nueva York puedeser contactado en:
Office of the Attorney General, The Capitol, Albany, NY 12224-0341;1-800-771-7755
Para residentes de Carolina del Norte: El Fiscal General de Carolina del Norte puede sercontactado en: 9001 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-9001; 1-877-566-7226o 1-919-716-6000;
Para residentes de Rhode Island: El Fiscal General de Rhode Islandpuede ser contactado en:
150 South Main Street, Providence, RI 02903; 1-401-274-4400; Según la ley de Rhode Island, tiene derecho a obtenercualquier informe policial presentado en relación con este incidente.