Donate Goods to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada

Needed items can be dropped off at the security check-in at the entrance of our campus
Monday through Friday, from 9am to 2pm.
Please note, our drivers are unable to pick up individual donations.
For larger quantities of items or for questions about donations, please call 702.387.4733 or reach out to us via email here.

Handing out bottle of water

Winter Weather Items Needed

  • Winter Warmth Items - Hand Warmers, Scarves, Socks, Sweatshirts
  • Jackets & Coats for men, women and children
  • Hats & Gloves for men, women and children

Always Needed Items

  • New or Gently Used - Shoes for Adults and Children
  • Sunscreen, Chapstick
  • New underwear for men and women
  • New Socks for men, women and children
  • Diapers for Infants and toddlers in all sizes
    (must be in a sealed new package)
  • Hygiene Items - Full and Travel Sizes
  • Adult Diapers
  • New or gently used men’s clothing
  • Powdered Laundry Detergent Packets
  • New Household Items - New Twin Sized Sheets, New Pillows, New Blankets, New Shower Curtains, New Cutlery and Kitchenware, New Dish Towels
  • Nonperishable food - canned meats, canned vegetables, peanut butter, pasta, sauce, soups, oatmeal, coffee, boxed meals and cereals
  • Welcome Home Baskets:  including laundry detergent, new kitchen towels, bath towels, sponges, paper goods, a laundry basket, new twin sheet sets, and a shower curtain.

Thank you for thinking of others in need!

Looking For An Activity To Do At Home?

Check out remote service opportunities here!

For questions about donations, please call 702.387.4733
or reach out to us via email.

Donate Goods to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada

We accept all types of vehicles

Have an old car taking up space in your driveway? Donate it to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada!

Purple graphic of car
Purple graphic of a pickup truck
Purple graphic of motorcycle
Purple graphic of a bus
Purple graphic of a sailboat
Purple graphic of a jet ski
& More

St. Matthew, in the 25th chapter of his Gospel emphasizes the importance of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and welcoming the stranger. Donating to Catholic Charities is one of the ways I try to meet this challenge.

Carolyn Leontos

Needed Items

Needed items can be dropped off at the security check-in at the entrance of our campus
Monday through Friday, from 9am to 2pm.
Please note, our drivers are unable to pick up individual donations.
For larger quantities of items or for questions about donations, please call 702.387.4733 or reach out to us via email here.

Handing out bottle of water

Winter Weather Items Needed

  • Winter Warmth Items - Hand Warmers, Scarves, Socks, Sweatshirts
  • Jackets & Coats for men, women and children
  • Hats & Gloves for men, women and children

Always Needed Items

  • New or Gently Used - Shoes for Adults and Children
  • Sunscreen, Chapstick
  • New underwear for men and women
  • New Socks for men, women and children
  • Diapers for Infants and toddlers in all sizes
    (must be in a sealed new package)
  • Hygiene Items - Full and Travel Sizes
  • Adult Diapers
  • New or gently used men’s clothing
  • Powdered Laundry Detergent Packets
  • New Household Items - New Twin Sized Sheets, New Pillows, New Blankets, New Shower Curtains, New Cutlery and Kitchenware, New Dish Towels
  • Nonperishable food - canned meats, canned vegetables, peanut butter, pasta, sauce, soups, oatmeal, coffee, boxed meals and cereals
  • Welcome Home Baskets:  including laundry detergent, new kitchen towels, bath towels, sponges, paper goods, a laundry basket, new twin sheet sets, and a shower curtain.

Thank you for thinking of others in need!

Looking For An Activity To Do At Home?

Check out remote service opportunities here!

For questions about donations, please call 702.387.4733
or reach out to us via email.

Where can I mail my donation?
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Mail your donation to :

1501 Las Vegas Blvd. North
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Please make checks payable to:

Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada
EIN Tax Id: 88-0059425

Can I make a gift over the phone?
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Yes! Please call our development office at 702-387-2275 to make your gift over the phone.

How do I set up recurring donations?
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Monthly donations can be made here.

Can I make a gift in someone’s honor?
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Yes! Please visit this page to make a gift in memory of a loved one, or in honor of someone

Can I designate my gift to a specific program?
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Yes! If you make your gift online, there is a drop down menu to select or add your own designation for the gift. If making a gift by mail, you can add the program name to the memo on your check, or include a note with the gift. Over the phone, let the us know when you call where you would like your gift to go.

Are there other ways to make a donation?
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Yes, more ways you can support our agency including stock donations and company matchings gifts can be found here:

Will Catholic Charities provide a donation receipt?
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Yes! Catholic Charities will provide a donation receipt for both cash and in-kind donations donated in-person. All cash gifts will be mailed a thank you letter and tax acknowledgement after receipt.

Where can I drop off a donation in person?
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Needed items can be dropped off on our main campus at 1501 Las Vegas Blvd N, Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 2:00pm. To learn about our needs, learn more here.

Overhead vs. direct program percentage with donations
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In our last audited fiscal year (FY23), Catholic Charities had a 6% overhead rate.

Where can I learn about the history of Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada and your Board of Trustee members?
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Please visit our about us to learn more.

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Planned giving is a way for donors to make a tax-deductible gift to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada from their assets rather than their annual income. There are a variety of ways this can be done including those in which the donor is able to receive an annual payment throughout their lifetime.

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Making a planned gift to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada will ensure those most vulnerable in our community are taken care of for years to come. your gift can ensure that a particular program or all of the services that Catholic Charities provides continue to assist those in need in our community.

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There are attorneys, bank trust officers, financial planners, etc. who can help you. You may telephone the Development Department at Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada to help you locate a professional for help 702-387-2234.

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“I give, devise and bequeath to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada,  a charitable organization whose principal office is located at 1501 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas, NV 89101 (state percentage of estate or residue, sum of money or otherwise describe property) to be used for its general purposes.”

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Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada has been providing vulnerable members of our community with basic needs since 1941 giving help and hope to people in need regardless of race, religion or creed. As the needs of this community have grown and changed over the years so has Catholic Charities. We are proud to say we are still ensuring those in need are provided for in a dignified and respectful manner over seventy years later!

See us on GuideStar

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Have a conversation with your financial planner or estate attorney about ways in which you could make a planned gift to Catholic Charities. If you do not have an attorney, a bank trust officer, financial planner or insurance specialist, contact the Development Department to start a conversation about making a planned gift. Help to ensure these great services continue to provide for those in need.

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Contact our Development Office at 702-387-2234 or you may email us and we will assist you. Thank you for your interest in helping those in need!

Items We Are Unable to Accept

Due to storage limitations, we are unable to accept the following items at this time:

  • Furniture
  • Mattresses
  • Bedding and linens
  • Used Pillows
  • Women and children’s clothing
  • Toys
  • Medical equipment
  • Holiday decorations
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Planned giving is a way for donors to make a tax-deductible gift to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada from their assets rather than their annual income. There are a variety of ways this can be done including those in which the donor is able to receive an annual payment throughout their lifetime.

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Making a planned gift to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada will ensure those most vulnerable in our community are taken care of for years to come. your gift can ensure that a particular program or all of the services that Catholic Charities provides continue to assist those in need in our community.

purple arrow pointing downwards

There are attorneys, bank trust officers, financial planners, etc. who can help you. You may telephone the Development Department at Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada to help you locate a professional for help 702-387-2234.

purple arrow pointing downwards

“I give, devise and bequeath to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada,  a charitable organization whose principal office is located at 1501 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas, NV 89101 (state percentage of estate or residue, sum of money or otherwise describe property) to be used for its general purposes.”

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Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada has been providing vulnerable members of our community with basic needs since 1941 giving help and hope to people in need regardless of race, religion or creed. As the needs of this community have grown and changed over the years so has Catholic Charities. We are proud to say we are still ensuring those in need are provided for in a dignified and respectful manner over seventy years later!

See us on GuideStar

purple arrow pointing downwards

Have a conversation with your financial planner or estate attorney about ways in which you could make a planned gift to Catholic Charities. If you do not have an attorney, a bank trust officer, financial planner or insurance specialist, contact the Development Department to start a conversation about making a planned gift. Help to ensure these great services continue to provide for those in need.

purple arrow pointing downwards

Contact our Development Office at 702-387-2234 or you may email us and we will assist you. Thank you for your interest in helping those in need!

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Financial Reports and Documents

purple arrow pointing downwards

Planned giving is a way for donors to make a tax-deductible gift to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada from their assets rather than their annual income. There are a variety of ways this can be done including those in which the donor is able to receive an annual payment throughout their lifetime.

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Making a planned gift to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada will ensure those most vulnerable in our community are taken care of for years to come. your gift can ensure that a particular program or all of the services that Catholic Charities provides continue to assist those in need in our community.

purple arrow pointing downwards

There are attorneys, bank trust officers, financial planners, etc. who can help you. You may telephone the Development Department at Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada to help you locate a professional for help 702-387-2234.

purple arrow pointing downwards

“I give, devise and bequeath to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada,  a charitable organization whose principal office is located at 1501 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas, NV 89101 (state percentage of estate or residue, sum of money or otherwise describe property) to be used for its general purposes.”

purple arrow pointing downwards

Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada has been providing vulnerable members of our community with basic needs since 1941 giving help and hope to people in need regardless of race, religion or creed. As the needs of this community have grown and changed over the years so has Catholic Charities. We are proud to say we are still ensuring those in need are provided for in a dignified and respectful manner over seventy years later!

See us on GuideStar

purple arrow pointing downwards

Have a conversation with your financial planner or estate attorney about ways in which you could make a planned gift to Catholic Charities. If you do not have an attorney, a bank trust officer, financial planner or insurance specialist, contact the Development Department to start a conversation about making a planned gift. Help to ensure these great services continue to provide for those in need.

purple arrow pointing downwards

Contact our Development Office at 702-387-2234 or you may email us and we will assist you. Thank you for your interest in helping those in need!

This is a Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla.

Men sitting at tables eating a meal while inside a large event tent


0.5% of eligible purchases are donated to us when you make a purchase through AmazonSmile and select Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada as your organization to support!

AmazonSmile Charity List
Men sitting at tables eating a meal while inside a large event tent

Smith’s Inspiring Donations

0.5% of eligible purchases are donated to us when you make a purchase through Smith’s and select Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada as your organization to support through your Smith’s account!

Smith's Inspiring Donations

The Impact of Your Support

Senior woman sitting on a couch holding up a prepared meal from the Meals on Wheels program
“It is really good and my health has improved since receiving Meals on Wheels. I feel happy when the delivery comes. I know I’m going to eat for a week. Without it, I don’t know how I’d make it. It’s really a Godsend.”

Brenda, Meals on Wheels client.
Black male wearing a grey suit and blue tie holding a certificate
“I was lost, I came here with nothing. I was tired and hungry…I am surprised at the person staring back at me. I like who I am now…I know I can make it.”

John, Renewing Hope Graduate
A smiling man kneeling and a smiling little girl standing next to him in the food pantry
Jonathan is a single father and has been using the Hands of Hope Community Food Pantry to help make ends meet for the past few months. "The pantry really helps me, I am thankful for anything I am able to get, thank you!"

Jonathan, Pantry client