The Heart of Catholic Charities’ Mission
Catholic Charities’ mission statement is to show love and foster hope in our vibrant Las Vegas community through our services and initiatives regardless of religion, race, age, and creed. As an organization, we also like to show appreciation for those who make our community service work possible with their donations and support.
In this spirit, each May we host our annual Heart of Hope award luncheon and fundraiser where we honor organizations and people who have made large impacts on our ability to help those in need during the previous year.
This year’s luncheon will be held on May 23rd at the Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa in the Red Rock Ballroom from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm local time. Tickets can be purchased for individuals, or a table of ten, or you can purchase an ad or choose to become a sponsor. These tickets go toward funding our services and enabling us to continue to serve our amazing Las Vegas community.
Showing Our Appreciation
At this year’s luncheon, we will be honoring JVC Architects, Martin-Harris Construction, and our beloved former CEO, Deacon Tom Roberts who retired in December of 2024. While we honor them, we will also be raffling off a home or cash prize to benefit our Meals on Wheels program. The drawing will likely take place in June of this year, following our fundraising luncheon in May. We use this luncheon to thank those involved in Catholic Charities’ mission.
What Is Meals On Wheels?
Our Meals on Wheels program has been in operation since 1975 and delivers meals to seniors who are homebound, at no cost to them. We make these nutritious meal deliveries in both Las Vegas and North Las Vegas and reach about 2,450 clients each week throughout the year.
In addition to meal delivery, our drivers check-in weekly with those they deliver to, sometimes being the only contact that client receives each week. While this is not the main point of this service, we find value in the time our drivers spend getting to know our clients and checking on their wellbeing. We also offer donated pet food delivery when available so our homebound clients can keep their furry companions healthy too.
This charitable program is incredibly valued within our organization because we know how food scarcity can affect someone’s health and well-being drastically. Being able to provide seven, nutritiously balanced meals a week to our seniors lifts a weight off their shoulders and those who care about them.
With the help of funds raised both at this luncheon and throughout the year, Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada can continue offering this community service and reaching people who may need assistance, but are unsure where to turn. Sometimes seniors are left behind and with this program, we fight to make sure they are never forgotten.
How To Support Catholic Charities’ Mission
While we encourage everyone to purchase a ticket while they’re available and participate in supporting Catholic Charities near you, we understand that not all of our supporters will be able to attend or sponsor the luncheon. In this case, we invite you to donate to Meals on Wheels or sign up to volunteer with one of our similar food programs like serving meals in our community dining hall or working at the Hands of Hope Community Food Pantry.
Whichever way you wish to get involved, whether through making donations or volunteering, your contributions make a difference. Catholic charities’ mission is met by working together and helping those in need and we invite you to be a part of our team of people doing just that.
To learn more about our Heart of Hope luncheon, Meals on Wheels, or other services, contact our team today, and consider signing up for a tour of our campus.