Reach Your Community Service New Years Resolutions With Catholic Charities
Are you looking for ways to become more involved in community service this year? Volunteering or donating to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada (CCSN) is an impactful opportunity to participate in community outreach and help those around you facing hardships.
Our organization’s focus is helping Southern Nevada residents who are struggling to integrate into the community or going through a tough time. To learn more about our organization, the variety of programs we offer, and ways for you to get involved continue reading.
Volunteer With Us
Whether it’s a personal New Year’s resolution or a company endeavor, you can volunteer to serve with CCSN in a multitude of different ways. To begin working with us, we invite you to join our volunteer team where you will be able to sign up for dates, times, and activities that work best for you. We love welcoming new and returning volunteers so feel free to sign up for recurring shifts if you are able.
Our opportunities include serving meals in our community dining hall, working at the Hands of Hope Community Food Pantry, remotely assembling comfort kits, becoming a youth mentor, and more! Volunteering with us is an amazing way to show your community you care and participate in community service near you.
Other Community Service Opportunities
While we encourage volunteering so you can get to know your community, we also understand that time is limited and life can be busy. If you resonate with our cause but simply do not have the time, we invite you to make a donation instead. Thanks to our gracious donors, we are able to sustainably provide for the people we serve and offer community service opportunities near you for those unable to be with us in-person. With over 4,000 individuals and families counting on us, each donation makes a difference in someone’s life.
For those who would like to donate or who wish to help from afar, we accept one-time and recurring monetary donations, vehicle donations, and item donations from our Amazon Wishlist or needed items list on our website. Unfortunately due to limited space, we cannot accept items such as furniture, mattresses, women and children’s clothing, toys, and medical equipment. For a more exhaustive list of what we can and cannot accept, please visit our donations page on our website.
No matter how you are able to get involved, your contributions will make a difference in the lives of people in our community. If you have questions or wish to take a tour of our facility, please visit our website or contact our office. Thanks to caring people like you, we get to share what community service is and how an organization like ours truly impacts people in need in Southern Nevada.